Praise for Romance Language

"A perfect book to go on holiday with - Alan Elsner's Romance Language is a love story between an American Journalist and a Romanian Poet. The story takes place both in 1989, against a backdrop of the Ceausescu regime juxtaposed with modern day Romania in 2007 seen through the eyes of their daughter Petra. Elsner has done well to conjure up what it would have been like in Romania under a communist Dictator and the sheer effort it took for a rebellion against a regime that seemed like it could never be overthrown. If you?’re a sucker for romance this book has that aplenty, set to a backdrop of a revolution that makes it an exciting and escapist tale. The women characters are strong and the men are romantic and of course there is a happy ending. If you want a quick read Romance Language would be a perfect book to go on holiday with or simply read whilst you commute to work."

-- Marty Dodge,

"The year 1989 saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and, more broadly, the fall of communism in Europe. The implications of these events remain momentous and unfolding. Although not a Soviet satellite, Romania in 1989 was under the throes of the brutal dictatorship of Nicolae Ceasescu and his wife Elena... Elsner's book is set against the backdrop of 1989 Romania.

But the book is much more than a historical novel. In a brief author's note following the story, Elsner states that 'I wanted to write a book that took seriously the idea of true love.' He has done so here. The book tells the story of the love between a dissident Romanian poet, Stephan Petrescu, (a fictitious character) and an American journalist, Elizabeth O'Neil who receives an assignment to cover Romania in 1989 as her marriage to a novelist named Tom is deteriorating. During her stay, she and Stephan have a brief affair, and Elizabeth becomes pregnant with his child, Petra.

With the violence in Romania, Elizabeth returns to America where she and Tom reconcile and Tom generously agrees to raise Petra as his own child. Petra becomes a precocious student and is attending Brown University at the age of 17. When Tom dies, Petra learns that her biological father was Stephan, who lives in Romania. She surreptitously leaves Brown to travel to Romania to meet her father. During this time, she meets a group of young people, including the sexually active Angela and Mihai, a violinst and composer of 22 or 23 who has studied in the United States. The young and sexually inexperienced Petra and the older and experienced Mihal must come to terms with and decide how they will handle their feelings for each other.

The story is told in a series of short sections that alternate between 1989 and 2007. Elizabeth tells the story of her relationship to Stephan in a series of long letters, most of which are written when Elizabeth thinks her daughter is studying at Brown. Thus, Elsner offers a picture of Romania in 1987 on the eve of and during the Revolution and of the passionate affair between Stephan and Elizabeth. He then shows the greatly changed Romania of 2007 with its hard won freedom, economic development, and sexual openness among its young people. The reader witnesses and is invited to reflect upon a good many different kinds of romantic, love relationships, including the relationship between Elizabeth and Stephan, Elizabeth and Tom, Petra and Mihai, and Angela and her lover of the moment. Elsner also has a good deal to say about the parent-child bond as between Elizabeth and Petra and between Tom and Stephan and Petra as well.

The love between Elizabeth and Stephan is the major theme of the book. It is told in the language of poetry, ranging from Shakespeare to Stephan's own writing and of music, including young Mihai's violin playing and efforts at electronic composition, and Elizabeth's and Stephan's dance to the unlikely accompaniment of Chopin's Fourth Ballade. Elsner emphasizes the power of art and love to redeem the human condition, especially when it is under the throes of enforced poverty and political oppression.

The book moves effectively between the United States and Romania, between 1989 and 2007, and between Elizabeth, Petra, and Stephan. It helped me remember the events that took place in Europe 20 years ago, but it helped me even more in reflecting upon the nature of human sexuality and love."

-- Robin Friedman, Amazon Top 50 Reviewer

"As a Romanian, it was a thrilling read. I learned more about Communism and the Revolution from this novel than from any other sources I found so far"

-- Oana Bhutta, Reader

"Reading this book, living again the turmoil and the chaotic events of the communist time, I kept saying to myself about the author, "he seems to be one of us". Mr. Alan Elsner, has been able to describe the essence of our being; the way we feel, act and interact with each other. The intellectual humor, the translations of our national poet Eminescu, the sonnets from Shakespeare, make me feel that I am in the presence of a great writer."

-- Maria Rodica, Reader

"The author demonstrates great empathy in his rendering of the two female protagonists, a 17-year-old student and her journalist mother, and draws a range of other characters with precision and aplomb. I read it in two days straight and greatly enjoyed it."

-- Martin Langfield, Reader

"Elsner is a brilliant descriptive writer, perhaps the best in modern American fiction. Few writers can evoke a region as well as Elsner. He is a master at setting mood, laying in atmosphere, all with quirky dialogue that's a delight. Elsner flies miles above most contemporary novelists."

-- Neil Dapper, Reader

"I absolutely loved it and couldn't put it down. I wanted to read it in one sitting. I truly felt all the emotions you were creating in your story. Thank you for a wonderful book."

-- Vicki Berman, Reader

"Alan Elsner's words captured me and I am not easily captured. Stefan and Liz felt so real. I completely understood how she could fall in love with him and loved her courage in acting on her impulse. Liz's daughter (Petra) emulates her mother in her own coming of age experiences. As the mother of a precocious 18 year old who is a freshman in college, I can attest to the authenticity of the relationship between Petra and Liz. I am highly impressed with Alan Elsner's skill in speaking for two female protagonists."

-- Cobie Whitten, Reader

"Elsner emphasizes the power of art and love to redeem the human condition, especially when it is under the throes of enforced poverty and political oppression"

-- Robin Friedman, Reader

"Elsner's gems are the details. The stray dogs that unexpectedly rush out and bite partiers without warning. The greasy factotum who pockets his bribe almost without noticing it was offered. The confessional Communist official who dreams of Western boots because, he tells Liz, 'You have no idea what it's like not to have dry feet all winter.' Romance Language is a different kind of romance novel that takes the reader to a little-known corner of Europe striving to catch up to its siblings in the European Union."

-- Emery Dalesio, Reader

"He brings us through a story of courage and hope to nearly present day and the perspective of youth in a country that is still trying to figure out how to move out of the past and into a promising future. Through his experience as a seasoned journalist, the author has written a novel that resonates with authenticity and sensitivity to Romania and her people--his description of various locations and inhabitants took me back to the experiences I had and the acquaintances I made during numerous trips there as a Fulbrighter."

-- Kathryn Wehrmann, Reader

"The accounts are so vivid that you feel as though you were a witness to the revolution. The book shows the author's love of music, poetry and history. Romance Language should be on high school and college must read lists, as well as an excellent choice for book clubs. You will want to read straight through to the end of this book, I couldn't put it down."

-- Debra Tucker, Reader